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Contesting Faith

It’s something a bit special for a bookseller to have his own novel in stock. Contesting Faith is a novel about a young man who learns that he has a terminal cancer. The thing is, he has never really thought about what he believes. So how should he live whatever is left of his life?

The answer that comes to him is to start on online contest between all the different religions and life philosophies. On July 31st, he will commit to the faith or ideology that has earned the most points on his blog.

But cancer is not so predictable and neither is life.

Contesting Faith sells for $25 and has 316 pages. Quotes can be supplied for multiple copies or copies mailed out to you.

We would also love to talk with other bookshops who might like some copies on consignment or direct purchase.

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Christmas 2018

Rapidly getting to the point now where we cannot guarantee orders will be in before Christmas, although some of our suppliers are doing remarkably well. But the focus shifts a little about now. It’s not so much “Can you get XYZ? and it’s more “Let’s see what you’ve already got in store that might be the perfect gift!”

We’re still pretty well stocked, although some popular titles are now out of stock. We still have a range of Christian Christmas cards, the type that you don’t find just anywhere these days. And Sandie has made lots of beautiful cards that are well worth checking out.

I guess I’ve always loved Christmas music and we still have a selection of great Christmas CDs, for the kids as well as the whole family.

Be richly blessed this Christmas as we celebrate the coming of our Saviour! 

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Our third birthday this month!

Saturday 24th June is our 3rd birthday at Variety Bookroom. I suspect there are more than a few people around the Moe area that are surprised we’ve made it so long. And I suppose the truth is that it’s our passion for books that has kept us going rather than any passion for making heaps of money.

We have good months and not-so-good months, good days and bad days. Some days it feels like the only people who come in are people who want to complain about something. Or people who expect us to magically find something that nobody else has been able to find. I mean, thanks for the compliment but, sad to say, there are still some things that we can’t do.

Most days are not like that of course. We have many wonderful customers and I am especially humbled by the ones who tell me that they could get some books a bit cheaper elsewhere, or online, but they come to us because they want to support local business. And because they just love browsing in bookshops!

I found this quote recently: “Bookstores are one of the outward and visible signs of the inward truth of the central role of the book in the maintenance and augmentation of the culture. Absent the book, the fate of humankind would be that of still primitive savages… So salute the culture the book imparts and make use of the bookstores, which bring to the reader the enjoyment of the old and new fruits of culture.” (Richard Abel, in “The Art of the Bookstore”, Gibbs M Smith, 2009)

We often use the slogan “Live Richly” in our advertising. And we count it a real privilege to help people do just that!

Now if I can just convince my accountant and bank manager… Ah well. I guess you can’t have everything!
